Your DNA Takes 10,000 Oxidative Hits Per Day
Glutathione Helps You Fight Back
Many people know the chef’s trick of sprinkling a little lemon juice over fruit to keep it from turning brown. Antioxidants are like that lemon juice.
By consistently “sprinkling” your body with antioxidants like glutathione, you can prevent your body from “browning” or “oxidizing” which causes damage and aging of cells.
Antioxidants work to protect your body from free radicals, and the oxidative damage they cause.
Every time you eat, breathe, or move, your body uses fuel created from the food you eat to produce energy. But just as a car releases harmful byproducts as exhaust, so too does your own body’s energy-producing efforts produce a dangerous byproduct: free radicals.
Free radicals are highly reactive forms of oxygen that are missing an electron. When they come into contact with normal molecules, they steal an electron, damaging the healthy cell and its DNA.
In fact, some estimates show that your DNA takes 10,000 oxidative hits daily. Antioxidants work to counteract the damage caused by free radicals.
Glutathione is the “master” antioxidant, directly binding to oxidative compounds that damage cell membranes, DNA, and energy production.
It directly neutralizes a wide range of oxidants, including superoxide, nitric oxide, carbon radicals, hydroperoxides, peroxynitrites, and lipid peroxides.
Glutathione offers the all-important antioxidant defense like few others can.
While using the LifeWave Glutathione patches, you can rest assured knowing that you are:
✅ Supporting your immune system
✅ Improving your overall health
✅ Using a patented, proprietary form of phototherapy
✅ Using a product that contains no drugs, chemicals or stimulants
Lifewave’s glutathione skin patches have been designed to increase the body’s production of glutathione by sending information signals, not chemicals, into the body.
Clinical studies utilizing blood analyses indicate an average rise of more than triple the blood glutathione over a period of 24 hours.
⚡⚡The LifeWave Glutathione patch has been clinically proven to increase our own glutathione levels up to 300% in just 24 hours.
Disclaimer: LifeWave’s patches are based on the theory of phototherapy. The patches are not proven based on conventional medicine standards and should not be used in place of medical care.
Diseases associated with low glutathione levels.